Saturday 25 May 2013


The simplest and easiest way of working out on your legs is making use of your high heel shoes or slippers. Its easy, fun and could be helpful on occasions when you get used to it.(BE CAREFUL AND NEVER PRACTICE ON ROUGH OR SLIPPERY FLOORS)

The basic advantages of heels are:

-Help strengthen pelvic and abdominal muscles because I’m giving my calves & quads (front of thighs) a workout.

-Gives the added bonus of making legs appear longer and leaner wearing heels feels sexy . . . and powerful!

Strolling around your house doing house chores is a bonus on exercising on them legs... walking around the mall too helps, it keeps the muscles from getting loose by contracting them,lol My nigerian friends call it YAM legs but i call it fabulous sticks, so you get your heels on and workout! xoxo

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